Amir Sabirovic stands at the cradle of data science and organizational science. He strives to dispel the hype around Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Blockchain, Industry 4.0, and bring them back to the current reality of the businesses.
High-tech is the red thread that runs through my career DNA as I aim to know how things work on a deep technical level and understand the strategic impact of the solutions. This ambition led me to a road of entrepreneurship while in college, building a firm focused on software development outsourcing for the creative industry. Afterwards, I worked at a management consultancy covering software, internet of things, 3D printing and blockchain and eventually set up an artificial intelligence startup for a consultancy firm.
Technology combined with strategy and communication is the capability that enables me to sort through the clutter and find the best route. I aim to see patterns where others see complexity and then play out these in alternative scenarios, always asking “what if this happened and what if that happened?” is what empowers me to see around the next corner and accurately evaluate the potential obstacles.
My passion is verbalising my thoughts, relishing every opportunity to share the vision of the future, explaining and describing it to the public. I do so by bringing events to life and making them exciting and vivid for the audience. Each event translates into a story and metaphors supported by images and engages people to listen.
Most people have a concise attention span, and they get bombarded with information, from which very little survives. My desire is for my knowledge to last, whether it be an idea, event, workshop, product or lesson. I love for my mind to venture beyond the commonplace, the familiar, or the obvious. Moreover, to entertain ideas about the best ways to reach a goal, increase productivity, or solve a problem. First, I think of alternatives and then choose the best option.